integrated support to cross-border mobility

Expanding the cross-border dimension in a macro-regional perspective: Friuli Venezia Giulia and Carinthia


Through the b-solutions initiative, the Association of European Border Regions (AEBR) and the European Commission’s DG REGIO have gathered data and knowledge on cross-border cooperation and the legal and administrative obstacles that still pose limit to the interactions between neighbouring regions within Europe.

131 different border obstacles are compiled into several publications.

These documents aim to inform stakeholders, policy makers, and other relevant actors at various levels about the daily challenges faced by citizens and local authorities in border regions. The publications also propose potential strategies and solutions to improve cross-border cooperation.

Coccau (Tarvisio, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Italy), 28.11.2023



The concept of macro-region is broad, originating from the need to maximise the effectiveness of actions in the territory, both in the sphere of the labour market and of the education and training systems, and with regard to the implementation and/or the capacity to improve the responses of the territory and its actors within other “spaces” of life of the citizen, linked to the attractiveness of the territories themselves and of certain areas in particular, to welfare, to “living and working” conditions in a broader sense.

The macro-region is a physical place and a living space that affects the borders of the regional territory in a different and sometimes complex way, which sees different dynamics, conditions and potentials within the areas that are part of it: FVG/Slovenia, FVG/Austria and, as far as the “so-called indirect border or maritime border” is concerned, FVG/Croatia.

It is a territory with its own peculiarities within the labour market, the economy that sustains it and the population that makes it up, also sometimes affected by ‘external’ dynamics, but with respect to which it nonetheless bears a burden. FVG has been moreover identified at European level as a region affected by a complex demographic context, due to factors such as a high rate of population ageing, abandonment of rural and mountainous areas, and which risks running into the so-called “talent development trap”. The Communication COM (2023) 32 final “Exploiting talent in the regions of Europe” of 17 January 2023 in fact identifies forty-six regions located throughout Europe that are on the one hand facing an accelerating decline in the working age population and on the other an insufficient number of people with a university degree, including FVG.
Each area, therefore, has its own peculiarities, which as such need to be addressed and managed, while maintaining an overall vision capable of enhancing their potential and maximising their effectiveness, in their functioning and tools, also as risk management and integrated response capabilities.

Therefore, in truth, these peculiarities become opportunities for territorial growth, for meeting the territory’s needs, and for alignment with common priorities in instruments and policies.

Section: Employment and Education

Read more about the cases:

  • 30 Mapping cross-border skills involving employers: Mechatronics
  • 31 Mapping cross-border workers and labour market between Friuli-Venezia Giulia and Carinthia

Friuli-Venezia Giulia Autonomous Region – IT

Daniel Spizzo

The professor Daniel Spizzo, professor of UniTS-University of Trieste, Department of Political and Social Sciences, was identified as expert by AEBR, supported on the Austrian side by MMag. Eric Kirschner, Deputy Director POLICIES, research group leader at the JOANNEUM RESEARCH Institute for Economic and Innovation Research, who deals with regional economics, cooperation and structural policies.

Case n°30 - Mapping cross-border skills involving employers: Mechatronics

Skilled workers in the field of mechatronics, a technology combining electronics and mechanical engineering, are currently in high demand in the border area between the Friuli-
Venezia Giulia Autonomous Region in Italy and the province of Carinthia in Austria. However, there are many open job positions that cannot be filled, primarily due to the different legal systems on education and training in each country, as well as the lack of a standardised procedure to map relevant skills. To boost the labour market in this field, it is necessary
to establish a common mapping methodology to identify and compare the educational backgrounds and skills of workers on both sides of the border.

Case n°31 - Mapping cross-border workers and labour market between Friuli-Venezia Giulia and Carinthia

In the Friuli-Venezia Giulia Autonomous Region (FVG) in Italy and the province of Carinthia in Austria, many residents live on one side of the border and work on the other side. Having reliable and up-to-date information on the cross-border labour force is therefore essential for more targeted policymaking and to address workers’ needs. However, the current commuter tracking systems are uncoordinated and inefficient, making it difficult for authorities in both countries to manage issues such as taxation, healthcare and social security. A new and improved system is therefore necessary to obtain the relevant data.

Special thanks

  • IRTUC-Interregional Trade Union Confederation FVG/Carinthia, in the person of the President Ms Mariateresa Bazzaro, already EURES Adviser for social partners, that organised the final public event in Coccau and actively participate to the research, contributing to confirm how important social dialogue is within the labour market;
  • Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy, Directorate D, European Territorial Cooperation, Macro-Regions, Interreg and programmes implementation, Unit D.2. – Interreg, Cross-Border Cooperation, Internal Borders,
  • AEBR Secretary General, Mr Martin Guillermo RAMIREZ,
  • Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion of the European Commission, Unit E1-Labour mobility, Public Employment Services and ELA, in the person of the head of unit Mr Lambert Kleinmann, for the support and the participation in the public presentation event, held in Coccau (Tarvisio-Udine, friuli venezia Giulia, Italy (programma-museo-dogana_A5_ita-eng_web).

An example of how the activities of the various directorates general of the European Commission integrate to support cross-border mobility and the cross-border labour market in the most effective way.

Mr Martin Guillermo Ramirez, AEBR

Mr Lambert Kleinmann, DG EMPL, Unit E1


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    Obalna Sindikalna Organizacija

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    Ministero del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali

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    CISL Friuli Venezia Giulia

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    Patronato Inas


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    Obmmčna Obrtno-Podjetniška

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    Csi nord est

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    Primorska Gospodarska Zbornica

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    Ministero del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali

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    Patronato Inas


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    Obmmčna Obrtno-Podjetniška

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    Zavod Republike Slovenje

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    Csi nord est

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    Primorska Gospodarska Zbornica

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