For workers and companies

Simplifying cross-border employment

Euradria contributes to improving employment in the cross-border region between Italy and Slovenia and aims to increase employment opportunities for workers as well as facilitating the recruitment process for employers.

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EURADRIA Project is the result of an unprecedented partnership in the cross-border region between Italy and Slovenia which unites regional and national public authorities, job centres, employers’ and trade associations, national and cross-border trade unions in a single network with the aim of promoting the free movement of workers and contribute to the elimination of hindrances to cross-border labour mobility in the area.

The specific skills of the network partners allow supporting the needs of cross-border work, in an area characterised by a strong European vocation which has always been marked by the presence of “cross-border” phenomena.

The cooperation between Italian and Slovenian EURES advisers plays a crucial role, as they work to provide mobility-related information to workers in the border regions of Italy and Slovenia.

Established in 1993, EURES is a cooperation network linking the European Commission and the public job services of the countries belonging to the European Economic Area (the EU countries plus Norway, Iceland and Lichtenstein), Switzerland and other partner organisations. The joint resources of EURES members and partner organisations provide a solid foundation that enables the EURES network to offer high quality services to workers and employers.

The union between the Eures network and the Euradria network allows the project not only to identify opportunities and risks for labour mobility, but also to propose the most suitable solutions for the different needs of employers and workers in the cross-border area.

Through the EURADRIA project, nine info desks have been set up in Friuli Venezia Giulia and Slovenia. These Info Desks allow workers and employers to be supported on any issue relating to cross-border mobility.



The Central Directorate for Labour, Training, Education and Family represents the Regional Public Employment Service and is responsible for defining strategies and instruments for promoting employability and employment. The tasks and objectives of the Regional Public Employment Service are: employment, services for job seekers and enterprises, training, professions, equal opportunities and quality assurance, as well as analysis and data collection on the regional labour market.
The Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia is the EURADRIA lead applicant since 2015.


TRIESTE – Via San Francesco, 37 34133

UDINE – Via della Prefettura, 16 33100

INAS, Zavod za varstvo italijanskih in slovenskih delavcev, Nova Gorica

The INAS (National Pension Office) Slovenia Patronage, set up by the CISL (Italian Confederation of Workers’ Trade Unions), provides free advice and services to frontier workers, pensioners and immigrant citizens, identifying the best solution to problems relating to social insurance, social security and health.
You can contact INAS for questions regarding pensions, check of insurance position, family allowances, unemployment benefits, accidents at work and/or occupational diseases, tax returns for Italian pension holders residing abroad, tax advice.



Office in Koper – GORTANOV TRG 15, 6000 KOPER

Katija Terpin

Nova Gorica – 0038653380197
Koper – 0038651635440


The trade union Obalna sindikalna organizacija (OSO-KS 90) is based in Koper in Slovenia and deals with social policy, with a focus on issues relating to wages, collective agreements and social dialogue, by actively contributing to the growth of welfare state.

The main objective of OSO-KS 90 is to protect the interests of its members, to improve their working conditions and wages and to promote national and foreign good practices. Social dialogue is its essential tool, through which it seeks to create and apply economic policies that guarantee labour rights.

Since its establishment, OSO – KS 90 has been engaged internationally by participating in European projects cantered on work and employment, as well as in cross-border cooperation with partners pursuing the same objectives.


Trg Brolo 2, 6000 Koper-Capodistria, Slovenija


The Italian Labor Union (UIL) is a union of associated workers for the protection of rights and common professional, economic and social interests and compliance with the principles of democracy and freedom enshrined in the Italian Constitution and in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of European Union.
As part of its objectives, the UIL operates to protect the right to work, health, safety, education and training, housing, retirement.
It is organised into trade federations, which ensure contractual and legal defence for workers in all sectors, from industry to services, from agriculture to public employment, as well as for pensioners.

The UIL has its own offices spread throughout Italy, with many assistance and protection services, also operating in the regions of other countries around the world. It also carries out consultation and negotiation actions with institutions at all levels and with local authorities, to protect the interests of its representatives.
The UIL Friuli Venezia Giulia Regional Union is responsible for pursuing the principles and implementing the policies of the UIL in Friuli Venezia Giulia.


Via Ugo Polonio 5, 34125 Trieste


The Italian General Confederation of Labour (CGIL – Confederazione Generale Italiana del Lavoro) is a general trade union organisation having a programmatic, unitary, secular, democratic, multi-ethnic nature, involving women and men, and whose programmes and actions are based on the dictates of the Constitution of the Italian Republic.

The CGIL considers active solidarity between workers of all countries and their representative trade union organizations to be a key factor for peace, for the advancement of human, civil and trade union rights and of political, economic and social democracy.
The CGIL safeguards, in the most appropriate ways and procedures, the right of all male and female workers to fair and impartial relationships, by also providing the community with support, tax assistance and legal defence services.

The CGIL is affiliated to the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC), to whose corresponding structures the trade federations or unions are affiliated, and to the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC).


via Pondares 8, 34131 Trieste


PGZ, as main economic centre in the coastal karst region, represents a regional hub for companies, organisations and entrepreneurs of 8 municipalities in an economically very active region with the following key activities: logistics, tourism and metalworking industry. In addition to supporting our members, we also provide quality networks, education and other events and actively involve our members in regional and national and European projects. We encourage innovation, internationalisation, collaboration and knowledge transfer.

We support the SPOT consortium which supports coastal and karst regions, one of the 12 regional points, where free assistance is provided during the processes of registration, cancellation and change of status, as well as a wide range of services in various sectors in the form of information, advice, organisation of seminars and training courses, etc.

As part of the Euradria 2019 project, we have set up an information point – helpdesk where employers and individuals can collect all information, or send it to the competent institutions, concerning employment and cross-border contracts, how to open a business in Slovenia o in Italy, taxes, subsidies, workers’ rights, maternity leave, sickness, disability benefits, family allowances, etc.


Ferrarska ulica 2, 6000 Koper, Slovenija

CISL FVG – Confederazione Italiana Sindacati Lavoratori Unione Sindacale Regione FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA

The CISL (Italian Confederation of Workers’ Trade Unions) is a trade union organisation whose primary objective is the protection and promotion of work, safeguarded in its dignity, in its wage, regulatory and professional conditions.
The CISL of Friuli Venezia Giulia is structured in two levels with a political body which defines the guidelines and maintains institutional relations and 19 trade federations representing the various employment sectors.
In addition, the CISL manages a network of services intended for citizens, through some associations and affiliated legal bodies, such as, for example, INAS, CAF and IAL.

The CISL is internationally involved, with the Euradria project and with the activity carried out by the Interregional Trade Union Councils (IRTUC) which bring together CGIL, CISL and UIL and the trade unions of Austria, Slovenia and Croatia, by dealing with issues related to the frontier labour market.


Piazza Dalmazia 1, 34133 Trieste

Obrtno-podjetniška zbornica Slovenije

The Nova Gorica Chamber of Commerce and Industry operates in the field of representation, advice, education, promotion and assistance to craftspeople and entrepreneurs.

It has acquired strong experience in participating in various projects: in addressing inequalities in the labour market demand (leader) and in developing a network of competitive companies (partners). It is also involved in many other co-funded projects at national level and in European projects.

It is made up of 12 sections. The Chamber also plays an important role in promoting and informing people, both through the monthly editions of Podjetniške novice magazine and through information disseminated through other media. About 700 members of the Chamber and many other institutions and registered users receive information.


Ul. Gradnikove brigade 6, 5000 Nova Gorica


The Slovenian Regional Economic Union (SDGZ/URES) / Slovenian Association of Regional Enterprises / is an inter-professional organisation founded in 1946 with the aim of representing Slovenian entrepreneurs operating in Italy.
For over 70 years, SDGZ-URES has been promoting the development of the economy in the Friuli-Venezia Giulia region and defending the interests of its members. The SDGZ-URES supports its members in their relations with public bodies and administrations and provides assistance in issues related to the safeguarding, consolidation and development of a wide range of businesses and professions.
Currently, 500 entrepreneurs are members of the SDGZ – URES, grouped into 5 different sections according to their sector of activity:

  • Foreign trade and services
  • Retail
  • Hotels, bars, restaurants and tourism
  • Handicraft
  • Self-employed professionals

In addition to representative functions, the SDGZ-URES organises training courses, promotional events, participation in fairs and provides support to members for administrative and bureaucratic issues.

Since the 1990s, SDGZ-URES has become one of the most active organisations in promoting cross-border cooperation with the Republic of Slovenia, the Republic of Croatia and other Eastern European countries as well as one of the most active in supporting businesses wishing to operate across the border or invest in the neighbouring country.


Via Civerone 8, 34133 Trieste


INCA Slovenia protects and promotes the rights granted to everyone by the legal and contractual provisions – Italian, Slovenian, international – relating to work, health, social and economic assistance and social security.

INCA Slovenia is a patronage of the Italian CGIL (Italian General Confederation of Labour), which provides information and assistance services to workers and pensioners.
It is part of an international INCA network present abroad with 94 offices in Europe, America, Oceania and Africa.


Vojkovo nabrezje 23, 6000 Koper-Capodistria, Slovenija


Informest, a Development Agency, was established in 1991 with the aim of promoting economic cooperation with Austria, Central European and Balkan countries as well as with the former Soviet Union after the fall of the Berlin Wall.
Since its establishment, Informest has represented an important support tool of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Autonomous Region to fulfil its role as a border region of Europe.

In thirty years of international relations and activities, it has evolved to properly respond to the changed geopolitical conditions that have characterised the history of the Italian eastern border.
Among Informest’s founding bodies, we find the Friuli Venezia Giulia Autonomous Region and the Veneto Region, with the participation of the Municipalities of Gorizia and Tarvisio, and of the Comunità Collinare del Friuli (Friuli Hills Community) as ordinary Associates of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Crafts and Agriculture (CCIAA) of Venezia Giulia.

Within the EURADRIA project, Informest is the affiliated body of the leader of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Autonomous Region and deals with the communication and dissemination activities of the project. Moreover, Informest supports the leader for coordination and reporting activities.


Via Cadorna 36, 34170 Gorizia


SERVIS d.o.o. S.r.l. is the service company of the Slovenian Regional Economic Union. It includes the commercial services of the Association.

These services include but are not limited to: accounting and tax returns, payroll, contracts, administrative procedures, business financing, tax and legal advice, information. All advisory services are provided by experienced and qualified personnel. Servis operates in 4 different offices located in Friuli-Venezia Giulia Region, mainly in Trieste and surrounding area.

The head office is located at the same address as the SDGZ-URES, thus providing continuous support and information to any entrepreneur.

Since 2004, Servis has also had a subsidiary in Slovenia, called Servis Koper d.o.o., which provides the same advisory services to Slovenian companies.


Via Civerone 8, 34133 Trieste


The Employment Service of Slovenia is one of the main institutions of the Slovenian labour market. It is an independent public legal entity, operating across the country.

Main activities of the Employment Service of Slovenia:

  • employment and professional mediation advice
  • lifelong career guidance
  • unemployment benefit and unemployment insurance
  • implementation of active employment policy (AEP) measures and programmes
  • issue of work and employment permits for foreign workers
  • preparation of analytical, development and other professional materials related to the activities of the Slovenian Employment Service
  • public information on the labour market (LM) and on the Employment Service of Slovenia

The beneficiaries of the Employment Service of Slovenia are:

  • unemployed
  • employers
  • job seekers, pupils and students requiring professional assistance in the fields of employment and career guidance
  • vocational institutes
  • providers of active employment policy programmes
  • social collaborators
  • general public


1000 Ljubljana, Rožna dolina cesta IX/6

North-East IRTUC

The Inter-Regional Trade Union Council (IRTUC)/Medregijski sindikalni svet Severovzhod (MSS) is an organization established in 1994 and involving the most representative trade union organizations of FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA (CGIL, CISL, UIL) and SLOVENIA (ZSSS in KS90).
It is part of the ETUC (European Trade Union Confederation) and deals with the protection of frontier workers between the two countries.

It is committed to promoting regular mobility, trying to remove the obstacles hindering mobility and penalising workers, while favouring the detection of irregular or undeclared work.
It provides useful assistance and advice to female and frontier workers.
It deals with all aspects of working life, the enforcement of contracts, unemployment, the search for employment as well as assistance to retirement.
Trade union collaboration allows information and assistance regarding the enforcement of employment contracts, tax and social security issues in both countries.
More generally, the IRTUC proposes the economic and social development of the border areas and their integration so as to promote new job opportunities, training courses, transparent advancement of the rights of border workers, starting from the acknowledgement of the peculiar characteristics of frontier workers.

In this context, the IRTUC promotes the culture of peace, convenience and protection of minorities, fights socio-economic dumping, collaborates with all the organisations and representations committed to supporting the European dimension of rights and works in support of the consolidation of the European Union.
The FVG/SLO IRTUC participates in the important and qualifying activities of Euradria, of which it was a founding organisation.


Via Vidali 1 – Trieste


The Italian Ministry of Labour and Social Policies is an Associate Partner of the EURADRIA Project. The Ministry of Labour and Social Policies designs, implements, and coordinates labour policy and employment development interventions, labour protection, and the adequacy of the social security system, as well as social policies, with particular attention to the prevention and reduction of conditions of need and hardship for individuals and families. It includes the EURES Italy National Coordination Office, which is responsible for coordinating the EURES network at country level.


Partners involved

Euradria is a project involving
  • Partners Logo

    Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia

    Lead Partner

  • Partners Logo



  • Partners Logo

    UIL Friuli Venezia Giulia

    Trade Union

  • Partners Logo

    Obalna Sindikalna Organizacija

    Trade Union

  • Partners Logo


    Trade Union

  • Partners Logo

    Ministero del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali

    Associated Partner - NCO

  • Partners Logo



  • Partners Logo

    CISL Friuli Venezia Giulia

    Trade Union

  • Partners Logo

    Patronato Inas


  • Partners Logo

    Obmmčna Obrtno-Podjetniška

    Trade Union

  • Partners Logo

    Zavod Republike Slovenje

    Associated Partner - NCO & Regional PES

  • Partners Logo

    Csi nord est

    Trade Union

  • Partners Logo


    Association of employers

  • Partners Logo


    Association of employers

  • Partners Logo

    Primorska Gospodarska Zbornica

    Association of employers

  • Partners Logo

    Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia

    Lead Partner

  • Partners Logo



  • Partners Logo

    UIL Friuli Venezia Giulia

    Trade Union

  • Partners Logo

    Obalna Sindikalna Organizacija

    Trade Union

  • Partners Logo


    Trade Union

  • Partners Logo

    Ministero del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali

    Associated Partner - NCO

  • Partners Logo



  • Partners Logo

    CISL Friuli Venezia Giulia

    Trade Union

  • Partners Logo

    Patronato Inas


  • Partners Logo

    Obmmčna Obrtno-Podjetniška

    Trade Union

  • Partners Logo

    Zavod Republike Slovenje

    Associated Partner - NCO & Regional PES

  • Partners Logo

    Csi nord est

    Trade Union

  • Partners Logo


    Association of employers

  • Partners Logo


    Association of employers

  • Partners Logo

    Primorska Gospodarska Zbornica

    Association of employers

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