Informative videos
Video-pills telling the cross-border region: EURADRIA partners introduce themselves, experts discuss cross-border employment issues, frontier workers talk about their experiences.
Euradria contributes to improving employment in the cross-border region between Italy and Slovenia and aims to increase employment opportunities for workers as well as facilitating the recruitment process for employers.
Video-pills telling the cross-border region: EURADRIA partners introduce themselves, experts discuss cross-border employment issues, frontier workers talk about their experiences.
Curious about how EURES Cross-Border Partnerships work & how they daily support JS, Frontiers & Employers all over EUROPE? Let’s have a look to the video!
Here below the video produced with the contribute of the European Commission in support of European cross-border partnerships.
We give the floor to our testimonials, two Slovenian frontiers and the Italian wine company in which they work: together with one of the EURADRIA’s info desks they tell us how the European CBPs help to overcome the obstacles of crossborder mobility, operating as a “one-stop-shop”.
We would like to thank DG – Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, Unit E1 Labour Mobility, Public Employment Services and ELA, European Employment Authority, for their support and INAS Slovenia patronage that represents our partnership in the video. Many thanks to all the colleagues of European CBPs.
In borderlands, frontiers are not just physical lines, but a profound cultural sign that is part of people’s daily lives. Some of the protagonists of the Euradria project told us what it means for them to live and work ‘over the border’. And while it is true that there is no shortage of problems and obstacles, it is equally true that there is a strong awareness of the importance of building paths of collaboration and exchange. Because diversity is an enormous source of wealth.
All VideosIn borderlands, frontiers are not just physical lines, but a profound cultural sign that is part of people’s daily lives. Some of the protagonists of the Euradria project told us what it means for them to live and work ‘over the border’. And while it is true that there is no shortage of problems and obstacles, it is equally true that there is a strong awareness of the importance of building paths of collaboration and exchange. Because diversity is an enormous source of wealth.
All VideosRegione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia
Lead Partner
UIL Friuli Venezia Giulia
Trade Union
Obalna Sindikalna Organizacija
Trade Union
Trade Union
Ministero del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali
Associated Partner - NCO
CISL Friuli Venezia Giulia
Trade Union
Patronato Inas
Obmmčna Obrtno-Podjetniška
Trade Union
Zavod Republike Slovenje
Associated Partner - NCO & Regional PES
Csi nord est
Trade Union
Association of employers
Association of employers
Primorska Gospodarska Zbornica
Association of employers