Intended for young people aged between 18 and 29 wishing to achieve a vocational qualification through a training course carried out mainly in the company.
Description and duration
The apprenticeship is a permanent employment contract aimed at training and hiring young people.
The vocational apprenticeship is intended for young people aged between 18 and 29 (or for 17-year-old people if they hold a vocational qualification).
The vocational qualification to which the contract is aimed at shall be defined by the parties to the contract in compliance with the provisions regulating the sector of reference set by the staff grading systems referred to in the collective agreements concluded by the most representative trade unions at the national level.
The apprenticeship contract shall last not less than six months. The inter-confederal agreements and national collective labour agreements concluded by the most representative trade unions at the national level shall establish, depending on the type of vocational qualification to be achieved for contractual purposes, the duration and methods of training to ensure the acquisition of the technical-vocational and specialist skills, as well as the minimum duration of the apprenticeship period, which may not be longer than three years or five years for the professional profiles characterizing the role of the craftsman, identified by the reference collective bargaining.
For the purposes of their vocational training or re-training, workers benefiting from mobility allowances or unemployment benefits may be hired as a professional apprenticeship, without age limits.
Public training offer aimed at acquiring basic and cross-disciplinary skills
Vocational training, carried out under the responsibility of the employer, is integrated, within the limits of the resources available annually, by the public training offer, within or outside the company, aimed at the acquisition of basic and cross-disciplinary skills for a total number of hours not exceeding one hundred and twenty during the three-year period.
The Friuli-Venezia Giulia Autonomous Region provides for the planning and implementation of the public training offer aimed at acquiring basic and cross-disciplinary skills, intended for apprentices hired with an apprenticeship contract lasting at least 12 months.
The public training offer in the Friuli-Venezia Giulia Region provides for the creation of training courses outside the company divided into training modules of 40 hours focused on the following fields:
- contracts and business organisation;
- safety and accident prevention;
- communication and empowerment;
- foreign languages (English, German and Slovenian for Italian workers and Italian for immigrant workers);
- digital skills;
- spirit of initiative and entrepreneurship.
The contents may be matched in relation to the different skills provided according to the needs of the company and the apprentice.
The training course typically begins with a preliminary phase where training modules are planned and matched.
The training courses shall last 120 hours to be completed by the apprentice during the first year of the contract. As an alternative, these 120 hours may be divided into 40 hours in the first year and 80 hours in the second year.
Depending on the qualification held by the apprentice, the course may be shortened as follows:
- 80 hours for apprentices holding an upper secondary school diploma or qualification certificate or education and vocational training diploma;
- 40 hours for apprentices holding bachelor’s or master’s degree.
Regardless of the qualification held, the reduction of the training course is also granted to apprentices who have already completed, following previous apprenticeship contracts, one or more forty-hour training modules; the hourly reduction of the course (forty, eighty or one hundred and twenty hours), shall coincide with the duration of the training modules previously completed.
Except for the case where the training course has already been fully completed during the previous apprenticeship contracts, implying the fulfilment of the training obligation, the first year of an apprentice benefiting from the hourly reductions, provides for a course of at least forty hours.
The catalogue of the public training offer, the list of training centres and the calendar of courses are available on the website of the Temporary Association of Companies Apprendisti.fvg 1921.
Acquisition of basic and cross-disciplinary skills within the company
Companies not benefiting from the public training offer may directly provide basic and cross-disciplinary training, provided they have:
- suitable training centres, different from those typically used for the production of goods and services;
- human resources having adequate skills and competences related to the contents of the above training modules.
The possession of these requirements may be proven through a self-certification to be kept in the records at the company.
The training courses in question shall be carried out under the responsibility of the company, in compliance with the structure of the training courses and with no costs to be borne by the Region.
Acquisition of technical, vocational and specialist skills within the company
As for vocational training related to the acquisition of technical, vocational and specialist skills, carried out under the responsibility of the company, the Region shall promote support services with a twofold objective: helping the company in fulfilling its training obligation and ensuring the quality of the training provided.
Individual training plan
Depending on the qualification to be achieved, the individual training plan shall define the actual duration of the apprenticeship contract, the duration of internal and external training and working hours as well as the criteria and methods for assessing the knowledge acquired.
The Friuli-Venezia Giulia Autonomous Region shall promote support actions to companies for drafting individual training plans.
Companies wishing to benefit from the public training offer are required to notify the name of the apprentice to the training centre in charge of providing this offer within 30 days from the signing the employment contract.
The names of the hired apprentices must therefore be notified to one of the bodies belonging to the Temporary Association of Companies Apprendisti.Fvg 1921.