For workers and companies

Simplifying cross-border employment

Euradria contributes to improving employment in the cross-border region between Italy and Slovenia and aims to increase employment opportunities for workers as well as facilitating the recruitment process for employers.

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Euradria member of #PactForSkills !

The Pact For Skills is one of the flagship actions of the European Skills Agenda. It aims to get public and private organisations together and encourage them to make concrete commitments to upskilling and reskilling adults.

National, regional and local authorities; companies; social partners; cross-industry and sectoral organisations; chambers of commerce; education and training providers; employment services – they can all become members of the Pact for Skills.

All members of the Pact sign up to the Charter and agree to uphold its four key principles:

  • promoting a culture of lifelong learning for all
  • building strong skill partnerships
  • monitoring skill supply/demand and anticipating skill needs
  • working against discrimination and for gender equality and equal opportunities.

EURADRIA commitments

We support the development of skills

  • 01

    Strengthen the commitment of the cross-border partnership on skills in the area between Italy and Slovenia

  • 02

    SUPPORT cross-border communication and dissemination of the pact at cross-border level; inform and share EURADRIA’s commitment on the Pact for Skills with other European cross-borders and the entire EURES network

  • 03

    SUPPORT skills monitoring within the cross-border area, and anticipate skills needs within the cross-border labour market, working in direct contact with employers in the area

Partners involved

Euradria is a project involving
  • Partners Logo

    Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia

    Lead Partner

  • Partners Logo



  • Partners Logo

    UIL Friuli Venezia Giulia

    Trade Union

  • Partners Logo

    Obalna Sindikalna Organizacija

    Trade Union

  • Partners Logo


    Trade Union

  • Partners Logo

    Ministero del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociale

    Associated Partner - NCO

  • Partners Logo



  • Partners Logo

    CISL Friuli Venezia Giulia

    Trade Union

  • Partners Logo

    Patronato Inas


  • Partners Logo

    Obmmčna Obrtno-Podjetniška

    Trade Union

  • Partners Logo

    Zavod Republike Slovenje

    Associated Partner - NCO & Regional PES

  • Partners Logo

    Csi nord est

    Trade Union

  • Partners Logo


    Association of employers

  • Partners Logo


    Association of employers

  • Partners Logo

    Primorska Gospodarska

    Association of employers

  • Partners Logo

    Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia

    Lead Partner

  • Partners Logo



  • Partners Logo

    UIL Friuli Venezia Giulia

    Trade Union

  • Partners Logo

    Obalna Sindikalna Organizacija

    Trade Union

  • Partners Logo


    Trade Union

  • Partners Logo

    Ministero del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociale

    Associated Partner - NCO

  • Partners Logo



  • Partners Logo

    CISL Friuli Venezia Giulia

    Trade Union

  • Partners Logo

    Patronato Inas


  • Partners Logo

    Obmmčna Obrtno-Podjetniška

    Trade Union

  • Partners Logo

    Zavod Republike Slovenje

    Associated Partner - NCO & Regional PES

  • Partners Logo

    Csi nord est

    Trade Union

  • Partners Logo


    Association of employers

  • Partners Logo


    Association of employers

  • Partners Logo

    Primorska Gospodarska

    Association of employers